Weird Science


Polish ver­sion is here

One of the mani­fe­sta­tions of the work of every per­son invo­lved in science is sha­ring the results of their rese­arch with other scien­ti­sts and the public - usu­ally in the form of pre­sen­ta­tions in scien­ti­fic jour­nals or at Con­fe­ren­ces. The fol­lo­wing list pro­vi­des infor­ma­tion about artic­les and other forms of pre­sen­ta­tions of results, of which I am the author or co-author. They have been listed in chro­no­lo­gi­cal order and sor­ted by topic.

In order to meet the needs of the rea­ders, I have rea­ched agre­e­ments with publi­shers, thanks to which a large part of my work publi­shed in print can be read in full or in part direc­tly on this web­site. In cases where this was not pos­si­ble for for­mal rea­sons, I have pro­vi­ded direct links to artic­les on the web­si­tes of jour­nals and publi­shers.

It is always impor­tant to be aware of copy­ri­ghts.

Publi­ca­tions in peer-revie­wed scien­ti­fic jour­nals and books (natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal)

Medi­cine, bio­me­cha­nics, bio­tech­no­logy:

Scien­ti­fic Con­fe­ren­ces, con­gres­ses, sym­po­sia

Bio­me­cha­nic, medi­cine:


Publi­ca­tions in popu­lar science press





In the near future:

Marek Ples
